All inclusive wedding packages in santorini for 35 guests. The All inclusive wedding packages includes, Wedding ceremony, Wedding venue and reception, we will arrange every tiny detail and coordinate vendors, florists, musicians and all the parties involved to make that big day most memorable.
All inclusive wedding package at Saint Nicholas for the Ceremony and Pyrgos restaurant reseption for 35 quest Price: 8,500 €
Having your ceremony at Le Ciel, for up to 10 guets gives you one of the most magical, and a luxurious setting. Price 5,100€
All inclusive wedding packages at Santo winery for Ceremony and Pyrgos restaurant for the reception up to 35 quests: Price 9,500 €
All inclusive package at Saint Irini cpaper for ceremony and Pyrgos restaurant for reception for up 20 guest Price 4,850€
All inclusive wedding Package for up to 50 guests at Pyrgos restaurant. Ceremony and reseption at the same Venue Price 27,500 €
All inclusive wedding package at Le Ciel Wedding venue for 30 quests. Evening time package 16,100€
You can come to Santorini via ferry boats from Athens, which takes 9 hours and the ticket cost 45 Euros and up. Or you can come via Airplane and the cost is 70 Euros and up! Santorini is an amazing island to explore. There are many things you can do on the island. Below you will find the 5 most popular landmarks in Santorini that you can visit. ⇒More info
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